I hate it when people never update their blogs.......!! So I am determined from this day forward to do better!
Well a few things have happened over the summer. Mainly James has turned 12 and now has the Priesthood. Which means he now passes the sacrament and is part of the YM program and Scouts. Yeah James!!
He loves Scouts and the camping that goes with it. They went to Ohiopile, PA this year, his favorite was the white water rafting. Darrin is one of their leaders and also really enjoyed scout camp!
I am now do the music in primary, which is amazing to me because I do not play an instrument or read music. I guess the only experience I needed was being able to sing a mean Pat Benetar Karaoke. 
I am also working full time now for a German Chemical Company. I am doing Data input. I'm taking Word Documented technical data sheets and inputting them into the SAP system. It probably sounds boring, but I love it. We will see how the whole being a Mom and full time working thing works out though. After almost 6 weeks I still haven't figured that one out.