Having two boys in Cub Scouts always means February is Pine Wood Derby Month. This year however with Darrin
being in Scouts and me in Young Womens (PowderPuff Derby), it pushed thing to the extremes. Four years ago Darrin made our ward's pinewood derby track so every year he sents it up, and takes it down. This year Darrin, and Lynn Merrell (Thanks Lynn), set the track up Tuesday, Cubs derby was Wednesday, and Scout/PowderPuff Derby was Thursday, not to mention the two week prep making four cars. The competion was stiff this year, but fun was had by all!!!
Lukes car is gold with the blue 'X', James' car is the red one, Darrin's car is the yellow flame car, and mine is the pink one of course the boy
s named it 'Blingalicious'.
AHH I LOVE ALL OF THE CARS. Uncle Darrins is nice with that yellow flame like action its like a marble. And yes yours is definitely blingalicious. Powderpuff derby is such a good idea. I have never heard of that!